It's that Easy
You go to the doctor's office, I prefer the "Doc in the Box" kind of places where they really don't get to know you, they simply turn over the patients as fast as possible. It's a drug store in disguise, they even know which pharmacy has the shortest wait. I hurt my rib snowboarding, I think it's broken, I'm having problems breathing because it hurts so bad. They check your oxygen count and reassure you that nothing is punctured. They Xray you, only to share with you how they really can't tell much on rib xrays especially fractures, the curve in your ribs convolutes the photo xray with ribs criss crossing all over the place. The doctor says, while it's hard to tell judging by your reported pain, it must be a fracture. Fractures can take up to 8 weeks to heal, and are a very common snowboarding injury (downhill edge). The only thing you can do is ice it and medicate. The script Extra Strength Vicodin, horse tablet size,....40 in all with one automatic refill!
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